While we were in Ottawa, one oof the things on my bucket list was to check out a cafe I’ve never been to before. This did happen to make it on my list, but it was also one that our friend told us we should check out.

I love me a good cafe that stands out. Love that pink!
The flowers on the ceiling!!
And of course the backdrop that everyone is going to want to take photos of/with.

By time we got there, it was maybe thirty minutes to close, so we weren’t able to try any of their hot drinks and cafe like food items. However, the cakes at the display case was still available.

Cannot remember for the life of me what this is exactly. I want to say strawberry short cake? Regardless tasted super yummy!
The drink I got was a rose iced tea. The rose flavour really over powers, but when you put the cotton candy in it, it tastes a million times better.
Overall I was pretty happy about the two items I was able to try and was so glad I got to see this cafe. Next time we end up in Ottawa, I’m going to have to come here earlier, so I can try more of their menu items.

On the other side of the cafe you had the opportunity to buy long lasting flowers. That side seemed closed as well, due to the time we arrived and their prices were a tad expensive in my opinion.. but the flowers were absolutely beautiful! Definitely would want to purchase something from there as a souvenir next time.

And of course, had to get photos with my daughter. Unfortunately due to it being closing time when I finally decided to get photos done.. they had already turned off the sign, but still got some nice photos.
Although she isn’t exactly looking, I love this photo.
Close up!

Now that I come to think of it, this place totally gives me Barbie vibes. Would love to re-create these Mana & Daughter photos when she’s a bit older.