This week is full of heat warnings in Ontario, at least where we are located. It’s mostly been 30C feel like 40C with the humidity.

1) Go for walks earlier in the day when it’s not as hot. Keep hydrated, and wear a hat.

2) Splash pads & pools.

3) Cold treats! Iced beverages. Ice cream or frozen yogurt.

4) Say indoors where there is AC.

5) If outside, find shaded areas.

6) Wear loose light coloured clothes (dark clothes attract heat).

7) Keep wet. Cool showers, dip your hands and fret in water, wear a wet shirt, pour water on you.

8) Sunscreen! Don’t forget to reapply.

9) Limit caffeine and alcohol. Water and sport drinks are preferred.

10) Save physical activities to much cooler part of the days.

11) Eat light and more hydrating foods (salda, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon, celery & etc..)

Heat exhaustion is caused when the body loses excess water, salt, and sugars through sweating. It can be treated by having plenty to drink, keeping out of the sun, and knowing how to cool down.

Heat stroke occurs when the body’s temperature becomes dangerously high and the body is no longer able to cool itself. Symptoms include confusion, headache, nausea, and muscle cramps.”

⚠️Seniors and children experience the heat far worse. Reminder: Don’t leave children and pets in the car. ⚠️
